A nine-month-old baÂby girl has died afÂter beÂing fed an inÂsecÂtiÂcide by a feÂmale relÂaÂtive.
The woman reÂportÂedÂly has conÂfessed, and is in poÂlice cusÂtody. Propiconazole 14.3 Fungicide

A nurse conÂtactÂed the poÂlice around 3:15 pm yesÂterÂday (WednesÂday, SepÂtemÂber 21), afÂter the baÂby was brought to the Princes Town Health FaÂcilÂiÂty unÂreÂsponÂsive.
When the poÂlice arÂrived at the faÂcilÂiÂty, they met the feÂmale relÂaÂtive who adÂmitÂted what she did.
She alÂlegedÂly told them that she was at her New Grant home with the baÂby and a 10-year-old boy.
The woman said around 12:20 pm, the baÂby beÂgan to cry unÂconÂtrolÂlably, and she beÂcame frusÂtratÂed and fed her Malathion inÂsecÂtiÂcide usÂing a syÂringe.
She left the baÂby on a bed. ShortÂly afÂter she found her unÂreÂsponÂsive. The woman called the amÂbuÂlance which took the baÂby girl to the health faÂcilÂiÂty. She was then transÂferred to the San FerÂnanÂdo GenÂerÂal HosÂpiÂtal where she died around 6:30 pm.
PoÂlice reÂcovÂered a syÂringe, a baÂby botÂtle and a 250 ml botÂtle with the markÂings Malathion at the woman’s home.
The feÂmale relÂaÂtive is still in poÂlice cusÂtody.
OfÂfiÂcers of the Princes Town PoÂlice StaÂtion and HomiÂcide BuÂreau of InÂvesÂtiÂgaÂtions ReÂgion 3 are inÂvesÂtiÂgatÂing.
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